Dhaka To Poradah Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Are you planning a trip from Dhaka to Poradha by train? Here’s everything you need to know about the train schedule and ticket price. In this article, we will provide you with all the information you need to know about the Dhaka to Poradha train schedule, including departure and arrival times, ticket prices, types of trains, and other essential details.

Dhaka To Poradah Train Schedule

The train route from Dhaka to Poradha is a popular one, and there are several train services available for travelers. The train journey from Dhaka to Poradha takes around 5 to 6 hours, depending on the train service you choose. The following are the Dhaka to Poradha train schedules for this route:

Train NameDepartureArrivalOff Day
Sundarban Express (726)08:1514:01Wednesday
Chitra Express (764)19:0000:16Monday

Dhaka To Poradah Train Ticket Price

The Sundarban Express and Chitra Express are the two trains that operate on this route, and the ticket prices vary based on the class you choose. Prices range from 300 BDT for the Shovan class ticket to 1080 BDT for the AC Berth ticket.

Seat CategoryTicket Price (15% VAT)
Shovan300 Taka
Shovan Chair360 Taka
First Seat480 Taka
First Berth720 Taka
Snigdha600 Taka
AC Seat720 Taka
Ac Berth1080 Taka

Last Word

We hope that this article provides you with all the necessary information on the Dhaka to Poradha train schedule with ticket prices. By following the traveling tips mentioned above, you can make your journey comfortable and hassle-free. If you have any further queries or require more information, please feel free to contact us.

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