Dhaka To Dinajpur Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Are you looking for information about the Dhaka to Dinajpur train schedule? Please keep reading to learn more about the Dhaka to Dinajpur train schedules and ticket prices. Bangladeshis prefer to take trains over other modes of transportation. It is more enjoyable than taking the bus.

Therefore, we are here to provide you with information on the train timetable and ticket costs for the Dhaka to Dinajpur route. A train ticket may also be purchased online. We gathered all the pertinent data.

Dhaka To Dinajpur Train Schedule

You must be aware of the train name and schedule for Dinajpur if you enjoy taking the train from Dhaka to Dinajpur or from Dinajpur to Dhaka. One intercity train departs from Dhaka in the early morning, and the other departs in the late morning.

Train NameDepartureArrivalOff Day
Ekota Express (705)10:1019:00No
Drutojan Express (757)20:0004:00No
Panchagarh Express (793)22:4506:32No

Dhaka To Dinajpur Train Ticket Price

It’s also crucial to be aware of the train schedule’s ticket pricing. So, below is a list of train tickets from Dhaka to Dinajpur. We sincerely hope that your trip will be enjoyable for you.

Seat ClassesTicket Price (15% VAT)
Shovan390 Taka
Shovan Chair465 Taka
First Seat775 Taka
First Berth620 Taka
Snigdha930 Taka
AC Seat930 Taka
Ac Berth1390 Taka

Last Word

You may get the Dhaka to Dinajpur train schedule in this article. We also provide a price list for train tickets from Dhaka to Dinajpur. I hope this information will be useful to you. Please feel free to add any further information in the comments. Our goal is to be useful to you.

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