Train travel between Setabganj and Dhaka is simple. On the Setabganj to Dhaka train route, there are intercity trains and mail express trains. We now have complete details on the Setabganj to Dhaka train schedule and ticket prices based on Bangladesh Railway. Let’s have a look.
Setabganj To Dhaka Train Schedule
There are 2 intercity trains running between Setabganj and Dhaka. Intercity trains also make travel simple. The Setabganj to Dhaka intercity train schedule is available here.
Train Name | Departure | Arrival | Off Day |
Ekota Express (706) | 22:31 | 08:10 | No |
Drutojan Express (758) | 09:32 | 18:55 | No |
Setabganj To Dhaka Train Ticket Price
The ticket prices for the Setabganj to Dhaka train route vary depending on the class of travel. There are three classes available: Shovon Chair, Snigdha, and AC Seat. The Setabganj to Dhaka train ticket prices ranges from 490 Taka to 1122 Taka, making it an affordable option for all travelers.
Seat Classes | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shovan Chair | 490 Taka |
Snigdha | 943 Taka |
AC Seat | 1122 Taka |
Last Word
I hope you have an enjoyable journey on the train from Setabganj to Dhaka. Visit our website again or post a comment below if you’d want more details.