Although it is a considerable distance, you can comfortably travel by train from Rajshahi to Joydebpur. We have all the current details regarding the Rajshahi to Joydebpur train schedule and ticket prices right here. To know everything there is to know about the railway from Rajshahi to Joydebpur, attentively read this page.
Rajshahi To Joydebpur Train Schedule
The best mode of transportation is the Rajshahi to Joydebpur intercity train. Of its advanced facilities, many choose intercity trains. Rajshahi to Joydebpur is connected by 3 intercity trains. Below is a list of the entire Rajshahi to Joydebpur intercity train schedule for this route:
Train Name | Departure | Arrival | Off Day |
Silkcity Express (754) | 07:40 | 12:20 | Sunday |
Padma Express (760) | 16:00 | 20:22 | Tuesday |
Dhumketue Express (770) | 23:20 | 03:49 | Wednesday |
Rajshahi To Joydebpur Train Ticket Price
The cost of a railway ticket varies by seat class from Rajshahi to Joydebpur. Every Bangladesh Railway train has affordable, moderately priced, and luxurious seats. We are providing specific information regarding Bangladesh Railway’s most recent price list for Rajshahi to Joydebpur train tickets.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shovan Chair | 310 Taka |
Snigdha | 520 Taka |
AC Seat | 620 Taka |
AC Berth | 930 Taka |
Last Word
That’s all there is to say about the Rajshahi to Joydebpur Train Schedule with Ticket Price; we made every effort to include more useful information. Have a pleasant and secure trip from Rajshahi to Joydebpur.