Although Mohanganj to Dhaka resides apart by a long way, a train can easily take you there. We are here to provide you with accurate information regarding the Mohanganj to Dhaka train schedule with ticket prices. For complete details on the Mohanganj to Dhaka train, carefully read this article.
Mohanganj To Dhaka Train Schedule
The best way to enjoy transportation is by intercity trains. Because of its modern services, people choose intercity trains. There are 2 intercity trains that run between Mohanganj to Dhaka. Here is the whole intercity train schedule for this route:
Train Name | Departure | Arrival | Off Day |
Hawr Express (778) | 08:00 | 13:50 | Thursday |
Mohanganj Express (790) | 23:00 | 05:00 | Monday |
Mohanganj To Dhaka Train Ticket Price
Trains running on the Mohanganj to Dhaka route usually have 7 types of tickets, which can be purchased directly from your nearest railway station or online. Before you book your train ticket, it’s important to know the Mohanganj to Dhaka train ticket price according to the seat class of each train. To make it easier for you, we’ve provided an updated table of train ticket prices below.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shovan | 185 Taka |
Shovan Chair | 220 Taka |
First Seat | 340 Taka |
First Berth | 506 Taka |
Snigdha | 426 Taka |
AC Seat | 506 Taka |
AC Berth | 759 Taka |
Last Word
That’s all there is to say about the Mohanganj to Dhaka train schedule and ticket price; we did our best to provide more useful information. Enjoy a secure and relaxing journey from Mohanganj to Dhaka.