Although it’s a considerable distance, you can easily travel by train from Kushtia to Rajshahi. We have all the current details regarding the Kushtia to Rajshahi train schedule and ticket prices right here. To read everything there is to know about the railway from Kushtia to Rajshahi, attentively read this page.
Kushtia To Rajshahi Train Schedule
The best option for transportation is by intercity train. Because of its modern features, people choose intercity trains. From Kushtia to Rajshahi, there are five intercity trains. Here is the whole Kushtia to Rajshahi intercity train schedule for this route:
Train Name | Departure | Arrival | Off Day |
Madhumati Express (755) | 19:40 | 22:40 | Thursday |
Tungipara Express (783) | 10:29 | 13:15 | Tuesday |
Kushtia To Rajshahi Train Ticket Price
We may easily purchase railway tickets in Bangladesh. By talking with the employees at the ticket counter, we can purchase it at the railway station. If we don’t have enough time, we can also purchase it using an e-ticket. The ticket price of the train from Kushtia to Rajshahi is listed below.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shovan | 145 Taka |
Shovan Chair | 175 Taka |
First Seat | 271 Taka |
Snigdha | 334 Taka |
Last Word
That concludes the schedule for trains from Kushtia to Rajshahi. We made every effort to offer more accurate information about the ticket price. Enjoy your trip from Kushtia to Rajshahi in safety and luxury.