Dhaka To Joydebpur Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Based on Bangladesh Railway, we currently have the Dhaka to Joydebpur train schedule. Only two types of trains are available on this route, which is only 25 KM from Dhaka to Joydebpur. To find out the train schedule from Joydebpur to Dhaka, look at the list below.

Dhaka To Joydebpur Intercity Train Schedule

Intercity trains from Joydebpur to Dhaka are well known for their outstanding services. They have a place where people can pray. They have a food canteen where they can eat. The fastest trains are intercity ones. They administer proper sanitation. They have air conditioners so we won’t feel hot. Below is a schedule for the intercity train traveling from Joydebpur to Dhaka.

Train NameDepartureArrivalOff Day
Ekota Express (706)06:5008:10No
Sundarban Express (725)05:5707:00Tuesday
Jamuna Express (746)06:2007:45No
Lalmoni Express (752)18:4719:55Friday
Silkcity Express (754)12:2513:30Sunday
Drutojan Express (758)17:4518:55No
Padma Express (760)20:3621:40Tuesday
Chitra Express (763)16:4017:55Monday
Nilsagar Express (766)04:2705:30Sunday
Dhomkato Express (770)03:4004:45Friday
Sirajgonj Express (775)09:1510:20Saturday
Hawr Express (778)12:4013:50Thursday

Dhaka To Jessore Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Dhaka To Joydebpur Mail Train Schedule

Mail express trains are not very opulent, but they are a reasonable option. A comfortable trip by mail express train is possible from Dhaka to Joydebpur. From Dhaka to the Joydebpur route, there are four mail express trains.

Train NameDepartureArrivalOff Day
Mohua Commuter (44)20:0721:25No
Dewangonj Express (48)17:5419:15No
Balaka Express (50)16:1817:25No
Jamalpur Commuter (52)10:1011:15No
Vawal Express (65)09:4211:35No
Joydebpur Commuter-210:4512:00Friday
Joydebpur Commuter-415:2017:10Friday
Turag Express-207:1508:30Friday
Turag Express-419:1020:30Friday
Tangail Commuter (2)08:2809:30Friday

Dhaka To Kishoreganj Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Dhaka To Joydebpur Train Ticket Price

Remember to purchase a ticket before arriving. Always abide by the law. Tain is not that expensive. It costs less than conventional buses. The ideal option for middle-class and lower-middle class people. Here, the ticket price is listed in BDT for each seat category. The pricing is set by Bangladesh Railway.

Seat CategoryTicket Price (15% VAT)
Shovan45 Taka
Shovan Chair50 Taka
First Seat90 Taka
First Berth`110 Taka
Snigdha115 Taka
AC Seat127 Taka
Ac Berth150 Taka

Dhaka To Kulaura Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Last Word

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