You’ve come to the right place if you’re searching for the Dhaka to Comilla train schedule and ticket prices. The most recent and updated Dhaka to Comilla train timetable as provided by Bangladesh Railway is presented here. You can travel in tranquility if you follow some safety advice.
Dhaka To Comilla Train Schedule
There are 5 intercity trains that run between Dhaka and Comilla on this route. The complete intercity train schedule from Dhaka to Comilla is given here. You may find the complete intercity train schedule from Dhaka to Comilla here:
Train Name | Departure | Arrival | Off Day |
Mahanagor Godhuli (704) | 07:45 | 11:01 | No |
Upakul Express (712) | 15:20 | 19:01 | Tuesday |
Mahanagor Express (722) | 21:20 | 01:47 | Sunday |
Turna Express (742) | 23:30 | 03:20 | No |
Chattala Express (68) | 13:00 | 17:05 | Tuesday |
Dhaka to Comilla Mail Train Schedule
If you like the intercity trains on the Dhaka to Comilla route, mail trains are also available in comparable numbers. The mail trains make more stops than the intercity trains from Dhaka to Comilla. The mail train from Dhaka to Comilla hence travels slower than the intercity trains. I’ve provided all of the specific Dhaka to Comilla mail train schedules below.
Train Name | Departure | Arrival | Off Day |
Dhaka Mail (2) | 01:30 | 06:55 | No |
Karnafuli Express (4) | 13:30 | 19:45 | No |
Dhaka Express (12) | 23:33 | 06:40 | No |
Chattala Express (68) | 09:00 | 15:50 | Tuesday |
Comilla Commuter (90) | 13:30 | 19:52 | Monday |
Dhaka To Comilla Train Ticket Price
Comilla is 191 kilometers away from Dhaka. However, compared to other kinds of transportation, train tickets from Dhaka to Comilla are relatively cheaper. This page has an updated list of train tickets from Dhaka to Comilla.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shovan | 170 Taka |
Shovan Chair | 205 Taka |
First Seat | 270 Taka |
First Berth | 405 Taka |
Snigdha | 391 Taka |
AC Seat | 466 Taka |
Ac Berth | 702 Taka |
Last Word
If you know anything else regarding the Dhaka to Cumilla route, please share your knowledge in the comments section. I’ll then include it. Thank you for coming to this website. Please check back for information on the schedule and price of all trains operated by the Bangladesh Railway.