Joypurhat To Dhaka Train Schedule & Ticket Price

The distance from Joypurhat to Dhaka is 248 KM. It takes a while to get there. And you might find a train ride to be quite delightful. The trains along this route are quite opulent. So let’s look at the Bangladesh Railway train schedule and ticket prices for the Joypurhat to Dhaka route.

Joypurhat To Dhaka Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Here, 4 trains are available with various departure times. These trains are generally very upscale. Many of them offer numerous contemporary amenities and services. Your journey is comfortable as a result. You ought to take the train. Following is a Joypurhat to Dhaka train schedule based on Bangladesh Railway.

Train NameDepartureArrivalOff Day
Ekota Express (706)01:1808:10No
Drutajan Express (758)12:3118:55No
Nilsagor Express (766)22:4205:30Sunday
Kurigram Express (798)10:4917:25Wednesday

Joypurhat To Dhaka Train Schedule & Ticket Price

In our country, tickets are not that expensive. Anyone can buy it with ease. You can purchase it online or at the station. E-tickets are very simple and convenient. Try it, you can. Below is the ticket pricing. Please look at this.

Seat CategoryTicket Price (15% VAT)
Shovan325 Taka
Shovan Chair390 Taka
First Seat515 Taka
First Berth775 Taka
Snigdha645 Taka
AC Seat775 Taka
Ac Berth1160 Taka

Last Word

The BDTrains is aiming to provide you with information like this. About the Joypurhat to Dhaka train, that is all we could find. Write a comment below if you’d like to know more. Please tell everyone about our website. Thank you; please keep visiting.

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